Published Articles

The Heart of Twinship

“‘Randy's heart is showing signs of stress he needs surgery.’ My husband and I were sitting across the table from our son’s cardiologist, as he explained the results of Randy’s tests. My stomach tightened. . .”

It Gets Better

“I was told dozens of times that first year: It gets better. Not that I ever got it in writing. But how could so many strangers be wrong? The first time a passerby directed those words at me, I was shopping alone with my newborn twins, wrapped in blankets and asleep in my grocery cart…”

The Santa-Catchers

“Christopher said he was going to catch Santa Claus. Randy offered to help, so my twins put their mischievous minds together and devised a plan. The Santa trap seemed an unlikely scheme, given that my twins were terrified of the Jolly Old Fellow…”

To Maui and Back with Twins

“My biggest fear was that we’d lose somebody. Never mind we were traveling only one state away. From our front door in Portland, Oregon to the three-room cottage in Lahaina Hawaii, we’d fly 3000 miles, travel 10 hours, walk through four airports, and switch planes twice…”

Did I get the ultimate 2-for1 deal?

“I’m always on the hunt for a good deal. I clip coupons, browse yard sales, and search eBay before buying anything of significant value. Like disposable diapers…”

Whose Memory is it Anyway?

“Long before I became the mother of twins, I had a glimpse into their lives, because my mom is a twin. Throughout my childhood my mom, Sue, and her twin sister, Esther, took center stage at family gatherings, as they told stories about growing up…”